Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Lucas and Claire

Dear Lucas and Claire,

I just wanted to write you a quick note of appreciation. Thank you for sticking by me and still loving me even though Mommy has gotten very busy lately.(and sometimes really grumpy).

Claire, Thank you for the PILES of beautiful heart, flower and claire and mommy drawings. They make my heart swell. Especially when you sign your baby girl name in 4 year old letters. I melt when you still run to me at record speed and wrap your arms around me and whisper "My love you mommy".

Lucas, my hurricane. You drown me in crazy screams and silly laughs. Your energy makes my wacky days so worth while. One rendition of Lollipop Guild with those spooky eyes and munchkin voice can make me smile for hours.



Clarice November 11, 2009 at 8:04 AM  

Oh I love Dorothy! That is wonderful!!!

Amber Anderson Photography November 11, 2009 at 9:37 AM  

Oh, this is a beautiful post! LOVE the action shots of your kiddos!

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