Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Blog!!!

Come see what I have been up to on my "vacation"....

New blog!

Leave a comment and tell me what you think!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Easy as Pie / Rochester, NY Child Photographer

This guy and his family were so easy we were done in like 20 minutes!
His dad had a secret up his sleeve that cracked him up.

My little studio is fun!
Can't wait till January...lots of ideas to come.

I bought little tiny angel wings for newborns, a new chair on the way, and some fun backdrops....

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dominic / Rochester NY Newborn Photographer

Welcome into the world Dominic!
This little boy wins the prize hands down for the MOST beautiful hair ever.
He decided that he did not want to miss a moment of his first portrait session.
He tried oh so hard to stay awake and keep us on our toes.
I loved getting to meet him.
Congratulations Joe and all make such a gorgeous family!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Back this Season / Rochester NY Photographer

Give back?

What are you doing this season to give back to your community?

I want to do one final session for a family in need. Make them feel special and give them a disk and some prints as a gift this season. I need you to tell me who deserves it? send me an email with your nominations!!

I am looking for a family who has never had portraits, or has an ill family member, maybe someone one of our great service men or women...
Help me find someone special!

And a photo that has nothing to do with any of this! But just to share my beauty,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Crazy season in full swing/ Rochester NY Photography Studios

I hate when I have to neglect my blog. I love sharing my work. You can see it more often if you become a fan on facebook. I post something their immediately after each session....

Here are some of my eieio family who decided to have some fall memories made this season to share...

***Last chance to book for 2010 portrait season with 2009 price***
(deposit must be received to book session)
2010 prices will be announced soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fruit of my Labor....

Hoping to give these family a taste..and to add more on Monday!

Busy busy meeting all these new families, now to go rest with mine!

Friday, November 13, 2009

What to get your friends and family for the Holidays?

Gift Cards!!!
They come any way you want them and if you really do it up ($50 gift card or more) a free 8x10 print for you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Lucas and Claire

Dear Lucas and Claire,

I just wanted to write you a quick note of appreciation. Thank you for sticking by me and still loving me even though Mommy has gotten very busy lately.(and sometimes really grumpy).

Claire, Thank you for the PILES of beautiful heart, flower and claire and mommy drawings. They make my heart swell. Especially when you sign your baby girl name in 4 year old letters. I melt when you still run to me at record speed and wrap your arms around me and whisper "My love you mommy".

Lucas, my hurricane. You drown me in crazy screams and silly laughs. Your energy makes my wacky days so worth while. One rendition of Lollipop Guild with those spooky eyes and munchkin voice can make me smile for hours.


What to do in the fall in Rochester?

Get your family portrait taken!

Don't get me wrong, summer, spring and too.

But fall is the time when everyone things Holiday cards, ridiculously cool backdrop!

Here are a bunch of beautiful families I have been working with...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday!! / Rochester NY Photographer

Little Miss "J" was so easy!
She showed up with clothes to die for... (thanks mommy)
She has eyes you can just melt for...
And a smile, well you see it.

Happy happy birthday to you!

Contact Me to Schedule a session!


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