Monday, April 13, 2009

Rochester NY Preschool

Oh the planning....
When I became a mom, everyone always said "it get's easier"...Ha! That is so not true!
I love being a mom! But it does NOT get easier. It gets "funner" :)
So I am going to start adding more stuff for families, moms, dads...on this blog. Because being a photographer is just a little part of who I am. A big part, is a Mom!

It is about that time of year. Last year was officially my first search for a preschool. I didn't even know where to start. Everything is like going to a foreign country to me in parenting. I think probably for a lot of people. So I thought I would just plain post the info. I spent months searching for in hopes of saving some people the time!

1. Great Websites with listings of Rochester Preschools
Kids out and About Preschool listing
Savy Source

Other Resources:
Local Classes and preschools: Check your local cities classes offered! Henrietta has amazing classes, for really cheap! Sports, arts, preschool playgroups, dance, gymnastics! You name it!
Henrietta Class offerings
Local Libraries host preschool fairs and are just plain great places if you are looking for education opportunities:
Brighton Library
So may Rochester publications for families with lots of listings!
GV Parent -check out this past months choices for summer camp funs!! There are like billions of them!

2. Advice I received about choosing one:
~Ask around, find one that your friends like
~Think about location and convenience, it matters
~Go and talk to the teacher, that is a very important role, make sure it is someone you trust
~ Go visit, but don't drive yourself crazy, this is preschool, not college!
~Start thinking early! The dang things fill up fast!!!
~Think outside the box. There are some very cool options in Rochester. What does your kid like:
Science? Art? Dance? There is a school for everything
~Observe and talk to your child. Prepare them early. It can be a huge transition!

3. Moms groups and websites that I love, places to join forums and ask
How do I choose the right preschool? How many days should I send my child? What are they suppose to be learning?
Rochester Mommies
Moms like me

Finally as a teacher, mom and woman, my 2 cents on preschool:

The most important thing to me about preschool is it introduces your child to a world of new independence. It teaches them how to be at school! School is hard to get used to! You have to sit still, listen (and not talk), walk in a line, wait to pee, eat only when it is time, do what project the teacher says, share toys....the list goes on.
There are new friends, birthday parties, show and tell, crying fits, bad days, and bad examples...

All together it is a step in the direction of being a big kid!

I guess what I am trying to say is, they are still just kids. Find a place you like, send em a lot of they like it, a little if they aren't ready yet. Love em when they get home..give them lots of encouragement.

They grow up too fast!

Finally...add a comment! Tell me what you think...add another resource....
and always..a photo of my big girl. Growing up so fast!


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