Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Squeak! Rochester NY Children photographer

She went (squeak)!
At first it scared me, but then I realized it was her shoes. They squeaked when she walked.
Loved them....have to have them for my Lucas.
Mommy says they sell them at the Strong Museum gift shop.

I have been doing a couple portraits of Mommy and Daddy (if they let me) too.
I am wishing (As usual, I think maybe I wish too much?) That I had a photos of me and my hubby.
Those are important too!

She was such a happy, curious, sweet little doll.
We got all dirty!
Believe it or not, in this last shot, there was actually a mosquito on her forehead! I of course cloned it off, was interesting to see though, but way to cute a portrait to toss for that!


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